Maximise your recovery: neurorehabilitation for every need
Our mission & values
Everything we do is focused on providing individuals with the knowledge, tools and technologies they need to recover, enabling them to sustainably manage their health and rehabilitation and continue to pursue their personal ambitions.

cereneo aims to explore and research the full potential of neurorehabilitation, to make it accessible to patients as early as possible.
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Luft
Our corporate values

Excellence is characterised by the incorporation of the latest discoveries in research and first-class service for patients.
What we do, we do it with all our hearts. This of course includes cordial interaction with our patients, but also with all of our employees.
We motivate each other to achieve our goals together. We motivate patients to utilise their resources in the best way possible and to use them in a targeted manner in order to improve their quality of life.
We are a team and we know that everyone gives their best. We support each other and can rely on each other. In this way, we promote a corporate culture based on trust.
Innovative diagnostic testing and analysis of neurological deficits are researched and new therapeutic approaches and devices are tested. This enables us to be innovative and agile without losing our proven foundation.
Our Team
The safety of our patients and employees are our highest priority

Quality management
Quality management in cereneo ensures the following:
- the continuous development of the cereneo processes
- process improvements through the optimisation of workflows
- better use of the competences of cereneo employees through a direct possibility of participation
To further improve the quality of service and, in a broader sense, to be able to further develop the entire clinic for the benefit of our patients.

cereneo has a certified quality management system – ISO 9001:2015 – since March 2019.
This stands for continuous improvement of the product or process with a focus on meeting patient requirements.
The certificate is valid for 3 years.
In the sense of continuous improvement, a maintenance audit is carried out annually and a recertification audit is carried out after 3 years.
Our History

The field of neurorehabilitation is not yet making full use of its potential to improve neurological disability. A better understanding of the physiological processes of recovering and learning in the brain, the use of new procedures and a higher therapy intensity (longer therapy duration) offer the prospect of improved recovery after damage to the brain. Concepts, research topics and cooperation partners for a neurorehabilitation clinic are discussed.

A needs analysis and business case for the clinic in Vitznau are created together with specialist partners from the fields of hospital planning, the insurance industry, science and many other experts. This is followed by many discussions with insurance companies, doctors, health authorities and personnel development specialists. The vision of a clinic with a new therapy concept, where all patients are treated equally and there are no differences between insured patients and those paying themselves, starts to take shape.

After a two-year preparation phase, cereneo AG was founded in Vitznau in April 2012. The new neurorehabilitation clinic is the first new provider in this segment for decades. The differences from the other providers in the region are clear to see. The architecture and facilities were created with great attention to detail and with the aim of providing excellent neurorehabilitation. At cereneo there is a lot of space and facilities - this is done in the interest of the patients and their relatives.

cereneo opened its doors to patients for the first time in 2013. At this time, the team at cereneo consisted of just 16 people. For the carers, therapists, doctors and all of the other employees it was the start of an exciting journey towards building a new clinic with a new structure and new concepts. We began to gather evidence to back up our ideas.

The clinic is now established. At the beginning of the year there are 10 carers, 14 movement therapists and 2 doctors all working in the medical field. The scientific advisory board is set up. Three members are appointed (Professor Nick Ward, University College of London, Great Britain; Professor Gert Kwakkel, VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam,Netherlands; Professor John Krakauer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA).

Another exciting day for cereneo kicking off the construction for the second clinic in Hertenstein, Switzerland. Up to 23 patients can be hosted in the new clinic at Lake Lucerne with state-of-the-art therapy areas and modern accommodation.

cereneo makes another step to reach a broader group of patients, independent from their location, by founding relearnlabs, a start-up focusing on telerehabilitation services. cereneo is constantly aiming to improve quality standards. The newly achieved ISO certifications is a great example of the effort made by the entire cereneo team.

ALVE enters the market: the secure telerehabilitation platform (created by relearnlabs) goes live and the cereneo therapy concept is now available for patients around the world, independent of their location. In October, cereneo officially welcomes the first patients to the new clinic in Hertenstein.

The cereneo clinics celebrate 10 years of outstanding neurorehabilitation. A whole weekend packed with educational & cultural activities from a scientific congress on "The Future of Neurorehabilitation" to an open house with guided clinic tours for the public.

The Pühringer Foundation receives the Lucerne Tourism Award 2023 for its outstanding work for the Lake Lucerne tourist destination with Park Hotel Vitznau, Campus Hotel Hertenstein, DAS MORGEN and the two cereneo centers for neurology & rehabilitation. Learn more about the work of the Pühringer Foundation in this video.