Robotics in rehabilitation: The Lokomat

The Lokomat is a therapy equipment that has been specially developed for gait training. It is characterised by a variety of features that help our patients to improve their gait pattern already in the early phase of rehabilitation. The exoskeleton, gait patterns, guidance and weight support can be fully customized to the patient’s individual needs and therapy goals. During training, the patient’s performance data is precisely recorded and stored, allowing direct comparison of progress.

Who qualifies for therapy with the Lokomat?

The Lokomat is suitable for patients who need to train their lower extremities or improve their gait pattern. Restrictions in walking can occur with various neurological impairments, such as stroke, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury or Parkinson’s disease.

How does the Lokomat work?

The use of the Lokomat first requires careful preparation, during which the orthoses are individually adjusted. In addition to the leg orthoses, the patients are secured and stabilised by a belt system around the hip. The training begins with a focus on the safety of the patients. At the beginning, the patients float in the air until their physiological gait pattern is adjusted. Only then are the patients carefully placed on the treadmill. During the training, music and games can be used to motivate and strengthen the gait pattern. Music helps to keep the rhythm and games can target different aspects such as speed and execution. The games can be adapted to the individual level of the patient. A typical therapy session usually lasts about 55 minutes.

At the end of the training session, all data and settings are saved for the next training session.

Advantages compared to gait therapy without robotics

Without the use of robotics, it would not be possible for many patients to start gait therapy in the early phase of rehabilitation. The Lokomat provides support and stability through the exoskeleton and enables the patient to stand upright through weight support.

As already mentioned, the Lokomat records all of a patient’s progress, including speed, walking distance and other measured values, which are saved in the system and can be used to optimise therapy. Thanks to the various setting options, the exercises can be targeted to the patient’s individual goals.

Last but not least, increasing motivation is a central aspect. Visual motivation in the form of games, live feedback and the integration of music significantly increase the motivation of our patients. After all, motivation is of decisive importance for success in rehabilitation.

You can find more infos on our therapy equipment here.

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