Deterioration of progress after an inpatient rehabilitation – Why this could happen and how to prevent it

Maintaining Progress After Rehabilitation

In our rehabilitation clinic, patients receive up to 5 therapy sessions daily, working diligently with our therapists to achieve their individual therapy goals. With our holistic and personalized approach, we are dedicated to maximizing the rehabilitation of our patients. Their days are structured around their therapies, allowing them to concentrate solely on their recovery without the distractions of everyday life.

However, rehabilitation doesn’t end once patients leave our clinic. Similar to how a bodybuilder’s muscles weaken without regular gym sessions or a singer’s vocal range diminishes without practice, our patients’ progress can regress if they stop their therapeutic exercises at home.

Challenges and Solutions for Post-Discharge Therapy

Upon returning home, patients often cannot dedicate the same amount of time to therapy due to daily responsibilities such as work and other activities, or they may find it difficult to integrate the new therapies into their everyday lives. Additionally, some patients lack access to local therapists or support from friends and family members who could assist with the therapies. This is particularly critical for those with balance issues who may avoid exercises for fear of falling.

Addressing these challenges is crucial. At cereneo, planning for the transition home is an integral part of our rehabilitation journey. We are committed to optimizing this phase to help patients maintain and build on their progress.

Home Therapy

Home therapy has three main components. First is the actual therapy, where we need to be creative and use things already available in the home or sometimes purchase aiding tools to support patients in their independence. We also ‘train the trainer’ by teaching new therapists or family members to support the patient’s recovery. Another aspect involves assessing the patient’s home and making changes if needed, such as adding ramps for wheelchair access, to ensure the home is safe and supports the patient’s independence.

Online Therapy

Our therapists offer remote therapy sessions that can be accessed via laptops, tablets, or even smartphones, providing convenience and continuity from any location. To enhance data collection, we utilize smartwatches to track patients’ progress, even when we are not physically present. This allows us to adapt the online therapies to the patient’s progress.

Online Modules

For those with specific needs, we offer tailored online modules designed to address particular goals and areas of improvement. You can find the individual modules here:

Continued Therapy in the clinic

Additionally, repeating inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation within the clinic provides a valuable opportunity to continuously pursue therapy goals. The frequency of rehabilitation stays is highly dependent on the patient’s progress and individual needs.

The key to maintaining progress is staying committed to your goals. Whether through home therapy, online sessions, or boost sessions at our clinic, the method you choose should fit comfortably into your daily life. Just as in-clinic rehabilitation is personalized, aftercare must be tailored to ensure that progress is sustained, and patients continue to achieve their rehabilitation goals.

By implementing these strategies, we aim to support our patients in maintaining their hard-earned progress and continuously assist them in their recovery and independence.

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